Diabetes is a worldwide concern today. It is a simple disorder that can be managed with a proper low glycemic load diet. Diabetes is the state of high sugar/glucose content in the blood more than the normal range. This accumulation of sugar in enormous quantities in the blood is due to the consumption of carbs rich diet and an unhealthy lifestyle. The carbs in our body are broken down into sugars, which enter the bloodstream and flow with the circulation until insulin carries the sugar and pushes it inside the cells.

As insulin is released from the pancreas, the absence or low release of insulin in the blood will not be able to carry the sugar in the cells and eventually give rise to Type 1 diabetes. Whereas in Type 2 diabetes, the cells show insulin resistance. The cells do not allow extra sugar to enter the cells. The entry of sugar is restricted by cells because a huge amount of sugar is already present in the cells.

Recent studies revealed that 90% of diabetics are suffering from Type 2 diabetes. We believe that insulin resistance can be reversed and so Type 2 diabetes. In today’s blog, we will discuss how a proper diet plan can help you to reverse your diabetes.
Diabetes Reversal Diet- Rules
- Daily glycemic load (GL) below 25: - Glycemic load helps us in stating, how much your blood sugar level will rise after eating certain food. for ideal blood sugar control, total daily glycemic load consumption should be less than 25. you should keep a close watch on the glycemic load of every item you eat and remember the total glycemic load of all food items eaten in a day does not exceed 25.

In terms of mathematics, 1 GL = 20 units of blood sugar.
25 GL = 500 units of blood sugar.
1 unit of insulin covers 50 units of blood sugar.
So, we need 10 units of insulin to cover 500 units of blood sugar.
The pancreas can easily release 10 units of insulin into the blood to cover 500 units of blood sugar. If your daily GL is 25 or less then you don’t need any medicines for diabetes but in a few cases, medical advice along with dose adjustment may be required. For that purpose, we provide medical assistance from doctors and free consultation from our expert panel of dieticians to build your diet plan according to your needs and preferences. We also provide a glycemic load chart containing around 300 food items with their respective GL value. The food items available on our website are specially designed for pre-diabetic and diabetic patients with low GL and net carbohydrate content. You can directly consult with us on our Helpline no. – 8448952009 for diabetes-related assistance.
- 12 hours of fasting and 12 hours of eating window - It is an important step that one should follow to reverse diabetes. Within 12 hours of the eating window, for example from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, you should have your all-required meals. The next 12 hours of fasting i.e., from 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM, you should not have anything. The fasting period can be called a metabolic resting period or healing period.

In the 12 hours of fasting, while you sleep at night, the body heals and repairs itself. In the path of diabetes reversal healing period is very important.
According to your requirement, you can adjust the timing of these 12 hours of fasting and eating window. But there should be a proper 12-hour gap in the fasting and eating window.
In 12 hours eating window the frequency of meals can be adjusted accordingly with the requirements of the individual. One can choose to have 3 or 4 meals a day depending on requirements. Scientifically the less number of meals a day faster the process of diabetes reversal. Most patients usually prefer 3 meals a day so we plan their diets accordingly after assessing their diabetic condition. Some patients prefer generally morning and evening tea with some snacks, so we advise them to use Diabexy sweetener with their green or black tea along with Diabexy snacks.
- One uncooked meal: - One uncooked meal or one uncooked portion of a meal can add extra nutritional benefit to your health. Green salads and other vegetables that can be eaten in raw form contain several important micronutrients (Vitamins, minerals). When we cook food, some amounts of the nutrients are lost due to high temperature. So, to compensate for the loss you should include those items that can eaten in raw form in your daily meal.

- Non-veg with double the quantity of vegetables: - If you are a non-vegetarian, you can have non-veg items. These items have negligible GL and do not influence blood sugar levels. Daily intake of non-veg items should be avoided because it can cause acidity and various gastric problems. If you are having a non-veg item, always remember to add a double quantity of vegetables side by side in a ratio of 1:2. The non-veg items release several chemicals and gases during digestion which can give rise to problems like acidity and constipation. If you have vegetables along with non-veg food items you can get rid of such conditions.

- Drinking a minimum of 3 liters of water in a day: - A normal human should drink at least 3 liters of water a day. Water not only regulates the body temperature but is also responsible for removing waste materials from the body through urine. The lack of water in the body can cause dehydration which can influence the chemical reactions happening in our body. Our body comprises around 60% of water. One should develop habits of drinking water by setting small targets like 1 liter of water should be finished between breakfast and lunch, 1 liter of water should be consumed post lunch and 1 liter of water should be consumed before sleep.

Diabetes reversal diet plan
Breakfast: - You can include a royal salad in your breakfast. You can choose items yourself that you want to include in the salad.
- Choose any 3 vegetables from the glycemic load chart.
- Choose only 1 fruit (Grapes, pineapple, or watermelon). Prefer food with low GL (Glycemic load)
- Add some fats (2 teaspoons of olive oil, coconut oil, or almond oil)
- Add some proteins (almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, or eggs)

The salad should contain at least 75% vegetables and 25% fruits, properly chopped and mixed with oil and proteins. The GL of the royal salad is comparatively less. All the vitamins, minerals, fats, and protein in a single bowl can give a healthy start to the day. The other options for a complete breakfast can be Omelet and some green vegetables or salad. Those who love parathas or puri can make it with Diabexy Atta (low in GL and net carbohydrate content) and can enjoy it with curd or vegetables.

- Lunch: - You can make soft and tasty chapati with Diabexy Atta and can have it with vegetables, salad, or raita. Those who want to add some non-veg items should remember the ratio of 1:2 with vegetables i.e., 100gm of chicken and 200gm of vegetables. You can also add vegetables, curd, or raita along with an omelet and salad.
- Evening snacks: - You can have a cup of green tea or black tea. For a sweet taste, you can add a few drops of Diabexy sweetener. Side by side with tea you can enjoy having nuts (almonds, peanuts) or Diabexy cookies.

- Dinner: - You can follow the same combination of food as you did for lunch or you can add items like panner or chicken depending on your requirement with various types of salad. You can also prepare tomato soup or mix vegetable soup at home. Don’t buy it from the market because they may contain starch. If you are a non-vegetarian then you can prepare chicken soup, to enhance its taste and flavor you can add some spices, butter, or oils.

You should take Diabetes reversal seriously to avoid future complications. We believe that proper knowledge, discipline, and carbohydrate-restricted diet plans can help you to reverse your diabetes. To design your daily diet, you should know your body's requirements. If you think that you need to work for a long period go for a heavy meal and when you don’t have such energy-driven work go for a light meal. If you are a diabetic and follow a proper diet plan then you can see a clear change in blood sugar levels with minimal or no use of additional medications.
Diabexy sells a wide range of food products for pre-diabetic and diabetic individuals. People who don’t have diabetes can also use these items for better health. Our mission is to eradicate diabetes from India like polio for that we are helping thousands of diabetic patients to reverse their diabetes and assisted several in the past. If you have any doubts about diabetes feel free to contact us and do try our exclusive products from our website.
In our next blog, Why Diabetic Patients should not eat Fruits | Does Fruits Increase Blood Sugar |, we will discuss the impact of fruits in diabetes.